I recorded this video on January 12 to be used today, April 5.
It was the morning after our largest snowstorm of the winter.
Everyone knows that staying consistent with your social media is one of the keys to building a following, and building your online client relationships.
I know my first reaction to this was, “How am I ever going to be able to keep up with my social media?”
The answer to this is in planning and batch creating your content.
It doesn’t mean that you quit putting in timely content, it just means that you get about 85% of the work done ahead of time to make things easier and support you when you are busy. I often add in extra posts, or even create a new post if the planned one loses relevancy.
Today I teach you how you could do some photos in January, and then use Canva to make them look more Spring-like.
FYI- as predicted In the video, I am very grateful to have this video recorded today. I would definitely be skipping Tip Tuesday if it had not been created ahead of time. Next week is my last video I made in this batch. So now it will be time to create a new set for the rest of spring. I’ll record 1 day, then spend another day creating graphics and editing videos. My assistant, Ashley and her team (love you Erika!) will get it all organized and scheduled.