Tip Tuesday: Headshots with my Nikon

February 2, 2022

Here I am behind the scenes creating my head shots using my professional camera with an app on my phone. I didn’t love this experience because I spent a large chunk of my precious time figuring out the tech.

Tech can be one of the biggest hurdles in a business. It certainly has been for me. But it’s unavoidable. Even though I’m starting to delegate out some of my tech responsibilities, it’s still a part of our everyday life.

So if you’re like me and struggle with the tech., This is just a reminder that:

a. you’re not alone

b. don’t let it get you down

c. take a deep breath and go look at YouTube

d. if it gets too frustrating, take a break and come back to it later!

I confess I finally ended up making the headshot I’m using right now with my cell phone. It will do for now until I hire a professional photographer to do my head shots for me.

If you would like to learn how to make better selfies with your cell phone,  Join me February 21 for my Portrait Mode Selfie Challenge at 4:00 central. We will start with A FREE class that teaches you how to use portrait mode to improve your selfies, turn them into portraits.


Tip Tuesday: Headshots with my Nikon

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